Monday, March 19, 2012

 New Exposure
i love it!!!

                 From secondary hospital to tertiary...more responsibilities.More people i encountered, more patients and more traits and skills i must have and learned. I made few changes and obviously its more better here in the ward..Hay maexperienced ko n din mg night duty...!     
                You know guys,I had learned a lot here in the ward. I able to encountered and experienced the direct patient care.Often during eight hours of duty i may not have yet to take a seat especially if it is toxic.First hour of duty,endorsing and my co workers,are able to receive even 75 patients.Receiving patients,of course we need to asses totally the patients,the IVF,the  status of the patient and check for the special endorsement. 
               After endorsing, wait for the rounds of the physician. every time I go with the rounds,after that,physician will made the order,we are ready to carry it out. Upon carrying out we need to write it down special or immediate order,specially laboratory stat. Ito na ang pinakaexciting n part. ung 10 is to 1.If I carrying out of order, i see to it that it was checked and put no.below it.I give medication,change ivf fluid, and most of all monitor the patient everytime.This is how life of a nurse.
               Everyday we prepare for a duty, am shift, pm or night shift. Every single hour, a minute will change the status of our patient so we need to be alert, curious,observant and open minded. That whatever may happen its our responsibility to take out of it.Sometimes patients may test as if how will we manage stress,but as a nurse we need to be compassionate.we will just remember that our patient need to be care,they are sick that need comfort and bear in mind that they are the one longing for care and we need to take care and help them to promote health.
ahmp,,,that is really true.!

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